" NaRaYa 假貨 、 NaRaYa 假貨 、 NaRaYa 假貨 ** 大家小心、小心 **
**現有大陸假 NaRaYa 貨出現!! | |||
*有 NaRaYa Lable 末必是真貨,大家可睇睇以上圖片! | |||
*真貨 NaRaYa Label 之"NaRaYa 商標"細致和靚好多,Label 上的 蝴蝶圖案 靚好多 和 非常之清楚!! 所有 NaRaYa Label 是長方型 | |||
**真貨會寫明 Made in Thailand 或 多行字和洗水圖案! | |||
*假貨 NaRaYa Label " NaRaYa 商標"字體大小不一!Label 上的 蝴蝶圖案 簡單 和黑白不分! 假貨 NaRaYa 有d會是長方形Label 或 正方形Label! | |||
*網上假貨價錢都不會太平,所以大家好難用價錢去分別是假貨! | |||
*請大家小心選擇,避免購買假貨 導致金錢損失 | |||
**(最慘 就是不知道原來用的是假貨) | |||
大家在網上選購 NaRaYa 產品時,請小心選擇!@.@ 4 Quick Ways of Recognizing a Real NaRaYa:
NaRaYa products can initially be differentiated by the NaRaYa name on many of our product’s details. Take a look at our zippers, for instance, where we often imprint our name. Our bags are quite distinctive. The colors and patterns of NaRaYa bags are unique and characteristic of our quality and style standards. On all our bags stitching is arrow straight and we use fine materials. Sometimes our brand name can be found crisscrossing the interior lining. One other thing to look for as well is our famous “bow” or “ribbon”. In fact, in Japan our bags known as “Ribbon Bags” because of the signature ribbon which used to accompany each of our bags, and still adorn many today. NaRaYa products offer unbeatable value for money. We don’t take this for granted; we always pay close attention to details at every step. |